Friday, July 10, 2015

Library of Angkor Wat Temple

Temples of Cambodia some have library, why ancient Khmer people constructed temple with  library, Angkor Wat and other temple king build dedicated to religion Hindu or Buddhist, Angkor Wat was build by king Suryavarman II in (1113- 1152) dedicated to god of Hindu Vishnu lord. Angkor Wat have three gallery ( three space ), the first space of gallery detail history of religion of Hindu , the second space gallery have 1000 of Buddha status was added in 12th century by other king Jayavarman  VII to change Angkor Wat from Hindu to be come Buddhist temple, the third space gallery the top tower of the temple we haven. 
The First Gallery 
The First Gallery
The Second Gallery 
The third Gallery 
Library of Angkor Wat have three levels too first level at the both hand-side of the walking entrance of the second cause way .

The first Library 
The religion of Hindu library really important because library collect all knowledge of religion not only book but have the guy who really educate of Hindu religion to perform people who come to visit Angkor Wat temple in the past time. In the past time Angkor Wat really strict to get in to pray because religion.
The Second Gallery 
When you be here Siem Reap Angkor Wat you will know how the construction building of religion you should help to protect ours temple by follow the walk way with visit sign.
Sign of Temple visit 
If you have any ideas of the temple of Angkor Wat please leave comment as bellow we are happy to share more information of Angkor Wat next posting. 

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